Data Privacy and Processing Statement

The privacy policy relating to congregation and processing of data over the journal’s website and its parent entity (Academic Chronicles Pvt. Ltd.), has been spelt out in this statement. It specifically elaborates as to : (a) how personal user data is processed, (b) for which purposes such data is used, and (c) with whom it is shared ?

Here ‘personal data’ refers to any such information which relates to a natural person who can be identified, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, e-mail, an identification number, location data, or any online identifier; and ‘processing’ denotes any operation which is performed on personal data such as its collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage or adaptation.

  • When the website is browsed for informational purpose (without setting up an account), no data / information is captured.
  • In case of manuscript submission, the collected information is processed for : communicating, profiling, managing of manuscript submissions, peer review, editing, processing payments, and providing information about potential publishing opportunities. It is stored until specific request for deletion of such information is initiated.
  • The submission and peer-review system of the journal solicits contacting suitable peer reviewers within the relevant research community. For this, some basic personal data (such as e-mail address, research interest, funding information, conflict of interest etc.) is processed by the journal.
  • Any personal data is NOT disclosed to any third party. Also, appropriate safeguards are implemented to secure personal data.
  • Journal’s website may contain links/re-directs to third party websites. The journal, in no manner, is accountable for content and data collection on such websites.
  • In case of any objection regarding usage of personal data, feel free to raise your concern by contacting the journal’s Managing Editor.

This Data Privacy and Processing Statement was last updated on 14th January 2024.