Basic Considerations
There are a few basic considerations which are expected to be adhered while submitting manuscript to Social Science Chronicle.
- Academic Article / Research Paper should not be less than 8,000 words (excluding references).
- Review Article should not be less than 10,000 words (excluding references).
- The word count of Abstract should fall in between 280-300 words (including 5-7 keywords).
- Citations should be in-text following APA style.
- References must be organized alphabetically and then sorted chronologically. For details – click – American Psychological Association (APA) Style.
- The language of submitted manuscript must be English.
Ensure Before Submission
Barring the mandated APA style of citation and referencing, Social Science Chronicle accepts format-free submission of manuscripts in Microsoft (MS) Word format. However, there are some minimum pre-requisites which are essential for evaluating the manuscript. Hence, before submission ensure that :
- Manuscript is grammatically error-free,
- Title of manuscript is precise and self-explanatory,
- Abstract is well structured (having background, objectives, methods, results and conclusion of the study),
- Full name, institutional affiliation, e-mail and ORCID iD of all authors are mentioned,
- Funding information is disclosed,
- Table and figures are placed within the article (and not at the end), and
- Conflict of interest, disclosures (if any), and References are not left out.
Additional Check-Points
- Ensure that people who have made substantial contribution in research are not left from the list of authors, and those who have not contributed significantly, are not listed as author/s in the manuscript. [For Details – Click here]
- Written consent for re-producing copyrighted material/s has been obtained by the author/s. In case of any complaint, there is high possibility that the published article in question will be retracted, after following due diligence by the Research and Publication Ethics Committee of the Journal.
- Social Science Chronicle has zero tolerance policy for plagiarism. Hence, all submitted manuscripts will be subjected to similarity checking, either by iThenticate or Turnitin, before moving ahead with the review process. Threshold for the same, excluding citations, is limited to 10%. Text resemblance above this limit, will disqualify the manuscript from further processing.
Simple Submission Process
- After preparing manuscript as per above-mentioned guidelines, click on Submit Manuscript option available on top right corner of the Journal’s homepage. Alternatively, the same can be accessed by navigating through : Home Page > Resources for Authors > Online Submission.
- Fill in the requisite details and attach the MS-Word file. Click Submit.
- After submission, an e-mail certifying your successful submission along with a unique “Document ID” will be communicated within 03 working days. This marks the culmination of manuscript submission.
- Do ensure that the confirmation e-mail reaching the corresponding author is from the authorized e-mail of the journal : admin[at]