Volume – 04, Issue – 01, Page : 01-12
Representation of Muslims in French Media and its Impact on Public Perception and Self-Identity

Laurent Dupont
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Date of Publication
31st May 2024
Abstract :
This study examines the representation of Muslims in French media and its effects on public perception and self-identity within Muslim communities, with a specific focus on Muslim girls. It explores how media portrayals influence societal attitudes, often reinforcing stereotypes that portray Muslims as misaligned with French secular values. This characterization impacts not only public opinion but also the self-perception of Muslim youth, particularly young girls who must navigate their cultural and religious identities within a society that frequently views these identities as conflicting with the ideals of the Republic. The study addresses the challenges faced by French Muslims, including restrictive policies in public schools and workplaces that limit religious expression, as well as the pressures of adapting to mainstream culture while preserving familial and cultural traditions. Through the lens of identity formation, this paper highlights the ways in which Muslim girls and their families negotiate identity in an environment that often marginalizes them. Additionally, the study analyzes French cinema and other media as cultural instruments that, through selective representation, reinforce stereotypes and narrow perceptions of Muslim identity, frequently overlooking the diversity within these communities. Such portrayals implicitly suggest that successful integration into French society requires the compromise of cultural and religious identity, a notion that can create internalized struggles for young Muslims striving for acceptance. By underscoring the limitations in the current media landscape and public discourse, the study advocates for a more nuanced and inclusive approach to French secularism and national identity—one that respects and accommodates the multicultural realities of its citizens. This approach could foster greater social cohesion by allowing Muslim communities to fully participate in the national narrative without feeling the need to relinquish their cultural or religious identities.
Keywords :
Cultural Integration, French Cinema, Hijab, Identity Politics, Muslim Girls, Public Perception, Secularism, Self-Identity, Social Inclusion.
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Representation of Muslims in French Media and its Impact on Public Perception and Self-Identity
— Academic Chronicles (@AcadChronicles) September 16, 2024
Author/s : Laurent Duponthttps://t.co/VFmEriYmhg pic.twitter.com/glZ1BQg39d