Volume – 03, Issue – 01, Page : 01-15

Usha Aruna Priyanga Welhenage
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Date of Publication
28th April 2023
Abstract :
This comprehensive analysis delves into the endeavours of twenty-five non-governmental organizations (NGOs) alongside numerous dedicated social workers, all of whom have committed themselves to combatting global mental health issues. The principal objectives of this study encompass the evaluation of the efficacy of their programs and the illumination of their pivotal role in heightening awareness regarding mental health concerns on a global scale. The methodological approach adopted for this research involves an exhaustive exploration of renowned organizations and social workers hailing from diverse corners of the world. This research delves deeply into the operational modus operandi of these NGOs and social workers, elucidating their overarching missions and visions, and cataloguing the myriad services and initiatives they proffer. Furthermore, the investigation delves into the impact of these services and initiatives on the individuals they assist and the communities they serve. The findings of this study resoundingly affirm that the activities and services of these NGOs and social workers play a pivotal role in the elevation of public consciousness regarding mental health issues, substantially ameliorating the lives of individuals grappling with mental health tribulations. The study towards its culmination underscores the diverse elements, such as adequate funding, community involvement, and a comprehensive outlook on mental health, which intricately influence the effectiveness of these programs and services for educating the public and diminishing the stigma surrounding mental health issues.
Keywords :
Access, Advocacy, Community-Based, Mental Health, NGOs, Programs, Social Workers, Stigma.
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— Social Science Chronicle (@SocSciChronicle) November 26, 2023
Author : Usha Aruna Priyanga Welhenagehttps://t.co/SXIFye8ODU pic.twitter.com/pgukA8wGO3